


Parent component

Click me to view the codes
  <div class="viewer">
    <cc-tian-viewer v-model="viewer" :tk="tk" :id="containerId"></cc-tian-viewer>

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref, watch } from 'vue'
import { popup } from 'cesium-components-vue'
import Popup from './Popup.vue'

const viewer = ref(null)
const tk = 'map-world-tk'
const containerId = 'default'

watch(viewer, async (newValue) => {
  const viewer = newValue as Cesium.Viewer
  if (viewer !== null) {
      destination: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(120.74210547619033, 31.275160096694293, 5000)
    // Add the popup to the viewer.
    popup(viewer, 'default-popup', Popup, {}, [120.74210547619033, 31.275160096694293, 0], {})

.viewer {
  margin-top: 10px;
  width: 100%;
  height: 300px;

Child component

Click me to view the codes
  <div class="cc-popup">Hello World</div>

.cc-popup {
  font-weight: bold;
  padding: 10px 10px;
  color: white;
  background-color: aqua;

Update Popup Value

// Init the props
const value = reactive({
  msg: 'Hello World'
const props = {
  modelValue: value
popup(viewer, 'update-value-popup', Popup, props, [120.74210547619033, 31.275160096694293, 0], {})
// Update the props
value.msg = 'Hello China'

Move Popup

const p = popup(viewer, 'move-to-popup', Popup, {}, [120.74210547619033, 31.275160096694293, 0], {})
// Move to another coordinate.
setTimeout(() => {
  p.moveTo([120.75210547619033, 31.275160096694293, 0])
}, 5000)

Get Popup Instance

popup(viewer, 'default-popup', Popup, props, [120.74210547619033, 31.275160096694293, 0], {})


viewerCesium.ViewerThe Cesium Viewer object that the popup display in.
containerIdstringPopup dom id.
componentComponentPopup component.
propsobjectPopup component props.
coordinateCoordinateLocation of popup window display, it is a three number Array(longitude, latitude, height).
optionsOptionsPopup options, contain width,height,offsetX,offsetY props.


Popup Instance

moveTo(coordinate: Coordinate)voidtype Coordinate = Array<number>, Move to the coordinate.
moveToCartesian3(cartesian3: Cesium.Cartesian3)voidMove to the cartesian3.
close()voidClose the popup.