
Experience the seamless fusion of Vue 3's cutting-edge capabilities and the immersive geospatial features of CesiumJS through cesium-components-vue. Our library empowers you to effortlessly integrate dynamic geospatial elements into your Vue 3 projects, delivering captivating interactive experiences.

Install Cesium

Downloading Release Package

<script type="text/javascript" src="/Cesium/Cesium.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/Cesium/Widgets/widgets.css" />

Using CDN

  • Import Cesium js and css file in index.html.
<script src="" integrity="sha512-x4px4C+PHoAP0tAGI1XA1164gN+pT88gY5wpP4j4Nokmg75f5RJ9HOyzLNx6usrbtmzZFaGbPxdYgeEnptqbqA==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha512-B5b+YSvAqAIXLgYMg42Tc9KmdoYyGQt2G13igHZaDPitOzeO6hUsMkz8uhNg24eRbPcTivMcQ55/FhyxzcCFVQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" />

Getting Started

  • Install cesium-components-vue via pnpm or yarn or npm
pnpm install cesium-components-vue
yarn add cesium-components-vue
npm install cesium-components-vue
  • Import the desired components from cesium-components-vue to embark on creating your next-generation geospatial applications.
import CesiumComponentsVue from 'cesium-components-vue'
  • Dive into our in-depth documentation and practical examples to unlock the full potential of cesium-components-vue in your Vue 3 projects.


  • Unified Vue 3 Integration

cesium-components-vue seamlessly bridges the world of Vue 3 with the geospatial power of CesiumJS, enabling you to enrich your Vue applications with interactive geospatial components.

  • Reactive Geospatial Components

Develop highly responsive geospatial applications that adapt to user interactions and dynamic data changes using Vue 3's powerful reactivity system.

  • Versatile Component Suite

Choose from a diverse collection of components including maps, markers, polygons, imagery layers, and more, each thoughtfully designed to elevate your geospatial projects.

  • Customization and Flexibility

Leverage Vue 3's composability and templating to effortlessly customize the appearance and behavior of your geospatial components according to your application's unique requirements.

  • Performance Harmony

Benefit from the optimized performance of CesiumJS while maintaining Vue 3's efficient rendering and reactivity, delivering smooth and engaging geospatial experiences.

  • In-Depth Documentation

Our comprehensive documentation and real-world examples guide you through the process of seamlessly integrating cesium-components-vue into your Vue 3 projects.